Wages & Benefits Comparison Tool

Please complete this form to obtain a copy of your wages & benefits comparison report for your reference. A Local Union 1186 representative will contact you to explore how membership can benefit you. Mahalo.

The following calculations are based on the current hourly amounts of your area IBEW contract outlined below. Everything below is paid by the employer and does not come out of your hourly wage.

Benefits paid by employer in addition to hourly wage (converted to hourly amounts):

Please complete this form to obtain a copy of your wages & benefits comparison report for your reference. A Local Union 1186 representative will contact you to explore how membership can benefit you. Mahalo.

The following calculations are based on the current hourly amounts of your area IBEW contract outlined below. Everything below is paid by the employer and does not come out of your hourly wage.

Benefits paid by employer in addition to hourly wage (converted to hourly amounts):